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CTPF Celebrates Quasquicentennial Anniversary in 2020

Share your stories and photos for the celebration
photo 125 years ago

Call for Photos and Reflections

As part of the 2020 celebration, the Fund is seeking photos and memories/reflections of CTPF educators, with a goal of obtaining a photo from each of the past 125 years. Do you have a photo of yourself at work in your classroom or work space? Or even a parent or grandparent? We'd also like to collect words of wisdom and thoughts about teaching. Please share them with us. We will use them in a special slideshow that we will share with our members on our website and social media.

How to share photos and words of wisdom:

  1. Email a photo of yourself in your work environment to 
  2. Please include your name, school, and year taken (approximate is fine)
  3. Submissions will be shared in a special slideshow and on social media (they will be identified as Name M., SCHOOL NAME, 19xx).
  4. Click here to send your words of wisdom. 

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